Install Funambol 10.0.2 on Windows

  1. Download from
  2. Run the setup program as admin, and it is recommended to install to somewhere like c:\Funambol rather than c:\Program Files (x86)
  3. In the last step of the setup program, don't run Funambol yet, but go to C:\Funambol\tools\tomcat\webapps. If sub folder funambol does not exist, you will need to extract funambol.war to subfolder funambol.
  4. Then finish the setup program, and Funambol should be running.


If you somehow finished the setup program without extracting funambol.war. You may:

  1. Extract funambol.war as described above.
  2. Go to c:\funambol\bin, and run StopAll.cmd
  3. Then run StartAll.cmd

If you want to run Funambol server at startup, you may add StartAll.cmd to Windows Task Scheduler.

There exist an admin tool in c:\funambol\admin. The default password for admin is sa, and the default port is 8080.

For more details, please read the Funambol administration manual.